
  • Dance On The Noise Floor ist ein Netlabel das Creative Commons Mediendateien per Internet unentgeltlich zum Download anbietet.

  • Dance On The Noise Floor is a netlabel that distributes creative commons media files via Internet to download for free.

Sonntag, 24. Dezember 2017

DOTNF in december 2017

History happened today

"Nacktschneckendisco/Miniaturen" by Die Godots/Pierre Godot is out now. Each album has 19 Tracks, which means you'll get 38 Tracks with 90 Minutes of Godot music.

"Nacktschneckendisco" ist a co-work of the 1982 Pierre Godot (instrumental background) and the 2017 Pierre Godot (lyrics and vocals), while "Miniaturen" is a collection of seven new (2017) and some older (since 2011) tracks by the elder Pigo.

It is not part of DOTNF because Pierre Godot publishes it via bandcamp.com. I have to mention it here because of the historical relevance. It's part of the DIY Krautpunk scene of Hamburg-Harburg 1979-1984.

hang on,

Mittwoch, 8. November 2017

DOTNF in november 2017 # 1

DOTNF07 is out now!

Another rarity from the south of the north... (Hamburg-Harburg)

Around 1981 "Jörg & die wilde 55" started to record his music on a reel-to-reel and a cassette recorder. Some tracks had found their way to nearly a dozen cassette copies, but were never sold. All the tracks vanished into a cardboard box for 35 years, but now we digged them out and here they are:

Jörg & die wilde 55  -  Geschweifte Römer (click this or the cover to the right)


Donnerstag, 19. Oktober 2017

DOTNF in october 2017

The 2017 Pierre Godot Album "Miniaturen" is nearly finished.

It will be part of the "Nacktschneckendisco" album.


Mittwoch, 13. September 2017

DOTNF in september 2017

The DOTNF video channel is ready now:

DOTNF Netlabel

Some one picture movies and some live takes of Pierre Godot albums and Rolf Menk programs.

Oh! And of course seven outtakes / live presentations from the 19 track album "Nacktschneckendisco" by Die Godots!

read you,

Freitag, 4. August 2017

DOTNF in august 2017

#1 Documents of the Punk-D.I.Y.-Cassette-Producers of Hamburg-Harburg 1979-1984.
Start with five items:

DOTNF 01 Pierre Godot "Erste Dinge/r zuerst"
DOTNF 02 Pierre Godot "Das Warten hat sich gelohnt"

DOTNF 03 -- not available any longer --
DOTNF 04 Was keiner wusste "Trommelfellgerber"
DOTNF 05 Die Godots "Nacktschneckendisco"

I hope I'll find some more out there...


Sonntag, 2. Juli 2017

DOTNF in july 2017

Label Credo - MP3's and JPG's are just sound and colour: a copy of 1 aspect; kinda merchandising stuff. Concerts and exhibitions are live and original: unique and uncopyable because of 1000 aspects; real life.

The Music Cassette - ...once has been the libertarian mass medium for a cultural movement. The chassis of a tape reel and it's case also can be used as support mediums for acryll colours. The magnetic reel itself produces accidential art, if it is old and once recorded with an uncalibrated tape deck. - Three good reasons to create art with MCs. But this is private. I don't sell these tapes. It's just an inspiration for you. Save the cassette!

How to dance on the noise floor - Download the DOTNF loadettes just for the few cents of your computers electricity and spend your money for concerts and exhibitions.

R.o.l.f. = Rolling on laughing floors, the dotnf maker, Hamburg 2017.