
  • Dance On The Noise Floor ist ein Netlabel das Creative Commons Mediendateien per Internet unentgeltlich zum Download anbietet.

  • Dance On The Noise Floor is a netlabel that distributes creative commons media files via Internet to download for free.

Donnerstag, 24. Oktober 2019

DOTNF in october 2019

There's no music to do right now, but I feel ashamed for not writing a single line here since february. All the Harburg Boys are alive making music or writing about art and things. Good to know.
Hope I'll be back to the circus in a few month, when whatever I am doing now becomes boring and my Tele smiles to me again.

with the kindest regards to you HB's


Freitag, 15. Februar 2019

DOTNF in febuary 2019

Hello world,

the crazy world of association: After watching the music video "Quiet" by Get The Blessing, a memory of an episode of 1982 came into my mind. I lived with a drummer in a kind of stockroom at the Nöldekestrasse in Hamburg-Harburg. It was f***ing cold in there and we didn't have neither a fridge nor a coffee machine. So, on sundays we had to walk to an arcade to enjoy a warm room and a nice Donkey Kong-coffee-wine gum-breakfast. - Later on I recorded a sound collage called "Street-Arcade-Sleep", which now has got some pictures:

with kind regards,


Samstag, 19. Januar 2019

DOTNF in january 2019

Hello World,
you might have guessed: DOTNF is a netlabel driven by Rolf Menk. Rolf Menk is a netperson driven by Pierre Godot. Pierre Godot is a netartistname driven by Rolf Menk. So this is a very private show. Does someone care? I don't know. Nobody has ever written something and this thing would be complete stupid if I would care about that myself. Thanks to Gadji Beri Bimba I don't care at all... This is not sex, this is diet. Of course, it's nice if someone likes my food and you're welcome to eat and drink with me. I have tons of selfmade junk food for you :-)
Anyway, I am 59 years old, which for nostalgic reasons reminds me of that:

In 1980 I owned this vinyl and loved "59 to 1". It gave me this avantpunk idea of making music. It directly leads to my first Band "Was keiner wusste" ("What nobody knew" - Find the album here).
In 2019 I also discovered the Minutemen and their phantastic "Double nickels on the dime", which in a way also represents a musically attitude I had in 1980 (but I'd been alone, working rather tuxedomoonish with a drum box and recorders).
The DIY scene. The cassette delinquents (in german "Kassettentäter" or "Geniale Dilettanten"). THIS is my scene! I sometimes forget that and think "There is just jazz and nothing else!". I like jazz, but I am not a musician. Maybe a musicaster. I never studied composition at university and spent years learning an instrument. I always bashed on pieces of wood. Sometimes with strings on it. Thats all.
The worlds greatest DIY tapers:
Martin Newell (very early Cleaners from venus)
Tim Smith (very early Cardiacs)
Daniel Johnston (very early himself)
I now have to change the DOTNF youtube stuff. And upload my new version of "Turkrut" by Was keiner wusste.
