
  • Dance On The Noise Floor ist ein Netlabel das Creative Commons Mediendateien per Internet unentgeltlich zum Download anbietet.

  • Dance On The Noise Floor is a netlabel that distributes creative commons media files via Internet to download for free.

Montag, 3. Dezember 2018

DOTNF in december 2018

Listening to my good old Minutemen and fIREHOSE stuff makes me think that music is a good thing to do. - Oh! I found out, that fIREHOSE's "Walking the cow" is just a cover. And now listen to Daniel Johnstons original recording. What a masterpiece! And Daniel has been a tape recording guy!! Welcome to the club, brother. - Oh! Oh! And Roxy Music! The 1974 "Musikladen" video of "Mother of pearl" at youtube! Look and listen to what Manzanera is doing!

I hate all those red crosses here on my publications list. I have to change that! ASAP.

I want cassettes. ASAP,

Donnerstag, 29. November 2018

DOTNF in november 2018

So sorry again... Nothing changed since october. Music isn't my thing right at the moment, but I'm shure this won't last long ;-)

Donnerstag, 18. Oktober 2018

DOTNF in october 2018

Sorry, there is lots of other work to do these months and moreover I am uninspired. At least there are some pictures by the Menks (H. and R. Menk), which isn't that bad...



Donnerstag, 6. September 2018

DOTNF in september 2018

Hi there,

a few minutes ago I saw this side...


If you don't know the cardiacs you should look for all their great stuff at youtube. - Some of you may have had the idea that "Progressive-Punk" is a possible thing and not contradictory since they heard newcastles Punishment Of Luxury.

Now listen to the cardiacs. It's an overwhelming experience! I overlooked them in the early eighies... Shame on me... What a lapse...

And please don't forget to visit the link above and spend some money, as Tim Smith is still suffering and needs our help.

All the best for you, Tim


Freitag, 31. August 2018

DOTNF in august 2018

Hi there,

All the guitars turned to wood thousands of seconds ago.
All the keyboards are covered with millimeters of dust.
All the Godots are folded in their wrinkles.
All their singing became a squawk.
All the lyrics are a bunch of letters.
Now that I've found you.
My father's, grandfather's and uncle's archive of mounted slides.
Diving into an ocean of pictures.
Not drowning.
But away for months.


Dienstag, 31. Juli 2018

DOTNF in july 2018

There's a moon in the sky... It's called the moon

Oh la la... tomorrow is august and there are no july news.
In fact, there are no news...
We had a pink moon on 07/27/18. Remember Nick Drake.
I don't know if there is anyone out there listening to...
...if there is anyone out there at all. And I'm no longer interested in finding out.
It's f*****g hot here these days. Can't really think because of living in an attic.
Oh là là, tu t'es trompé! Music is a splendid dead-end.
Better write a book or paint some pictures about your subjects.
Go to bed, Pierre Godot! Come again in 35 years and let's hear the forgotten tracks of 1980-1990!
Have to find something new for DOTNF...


Dienstag, 5. Juni 2018

DOTNF in june 2018

Galerie Lochte published a Summer Soccer Smash hit called "You are the champions". Look for it at iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, Deezer, Tidal, Spotify, Apple Music...

(Just for information. - This is not a DOTNF publication.)


I'm on holiday. That's the most interesting information I've got at the moment.
You should be on holiday too.
It's nice.
Give it a try.

Aperol sprizzed,

Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2018

DOTNF in may 2018

"Nacktschneckendisco" isn't available here any longer. The Godots gave up cassetting and published their album(s) at bandcamp. You can buy it from there for 7 Euros and get two albums (Nacktschneckendisco and Miniaturen) with full artwork (CD Inlet format).
So now here we have lots of these ugly red crosses.

Sorry for that...


Freitag, 27. April 2018

DOTNF in april 2018

I removed the Garygk Anarchimkobv album.

The dilemma is, that I can neiter publish a crippled version of the Garygk Anarchimkobv Album, nor will I publish the original versions. As a dadaistic project, we heavily used collage technique which nowadays might bring you copyright problems. DOTNF is a noncommercial netlabel not a major company. I'm not able to check out the judicial issues. But I agree with Klaus, that the original tracks without the collages are crap.
So this is going to be a very sad story...
I would like to publish the "Yeah, Ingrid!" video at least...
Have to ask Klaus...

Sayonara G.A.,

Dienstag, 20. März 2018

DOTNF in march 2018 # 2

Jens Ullheimer has been a very important part of the Harburg 1980 DIY Krautelectropunk scene in two ways: as a musician (part of Chanel No. 2) and cassette label maker ("Gut schlafen - Froh erwachen" with the very first and only Harburg Sampler "Mami's Lieblinge"). We once did some music, discussed projects, I always liked to hear "Mami's Lieblinge" and it has been an inspiration for driving this Netlabel!

Read his article and listen to "Mami's Lieblinge"!

Sonntag, 18. März 2018

DOTNF in march 2018 # 1

Yippee! DOTNF 09 is out now!

Please klick on the cover link down here or to the right to switch to Galerie Lochte and their album "Galerie Lochte".

Since 2017 Galerie Lochte flies again. Listen to the modern version of "Sie war der Frühling" at https://soundcloud.com/flockenhaus/galerie-lochte-sie-war-der-fruhling

wearing plastic flowers on my bald head,


Mittwoch, 31. Januar 2018

DOTNF in january 2018

New (01/2018) free movie out there (with kind permission of Pierre Godot):

And a not so new (12/2017) free movie out here (with kind permission of Pierre Godot):
