
  • Dance On The Noise Floor ist ein Netlabel das Creative Commons Mediendateien per Internet unentgeltlich zum Download anbietet.

  • Dance On The Noise Floor is a netlabel that distributes creative commons media files via Internet to download for free.

Dienstag, 31. Juli 2018

DOTNF in july 2018

There's a moon in the sky... It's called the moon

Oh la la... tomorrow is august and there are no july news.
In fact, there are no news...
We had a pink moon on 07/27/18. Remember Nick Drake.
I don't know if there is anyone out there listening to...
...if there is anyone out there at all. And I'm no longer interested in finding out.
It's f*****g hot here these days. Can't really think because of living in an attic.
Oh là là, tu t'es trompé! Music is a splendid dead-end.
Better write a book or paint some pictures about your subjects.
Go to bed, Pierre Godot! Come again in 35 years and let's hear the forgotten tracks of 1980-1990!
Have to find something new for DOTNF...


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Thanx for your comments.
It's the only way for me to find out that there's someone out there :-)