
  • Dance On The Noise Floor ist ein Netlabel das Creative Commons Mediendateien per Internet unentgeltlich zum Download anbietet.

  • Dance On The Noise Floor is a netlabel that distributes creative commons media files via Internet to download for free.

Freitag, 27. April 2018

DOTNF in april 2018

I removed the Garygk Anarchimkobv album.

The dilemma is, that I can neiter publish a crippled version of the Garygk Anarchimkobv Album, nor will I publish the original versions. As a dadaistic project, we heavily used collage technique which nowadays might bring you copyright problems. DOTNF is a noncommercial netlabel not a major company. I'm not able to check out the judicial issues. But I agree with Klaus, that the original tracks without the collages are crap.
So this is going to be a very sad story...
I would like to publish the "Yeah, Ingrid!" video at least...
Have to ask Klaus...

Sayonara G.A.,